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★ Scarlett’s Banter ★


What happened to all my paperbacks?

Can you believe it’s almost spring?

I hope you had a great January and February.

For as long as I can remember, this has been the mildest winter we’ve ever had in the North Pole. It’s a bit disconcerting because on one hand, it’s a nice reprieve, on the other, it’s scary because it might mean will have a shitty summer. I would rather have a harsh winter and a fabulous summer than a mild winter, and a shitty summer, and a rainy spring, and a cold rainy autumn.

But, since this is the North Pole, who knows? There might be a snowstorm in April.

The last few months have been really busy.

Some of you pointed out on Instagram and via email the fact you could no longer find paperbacks for most of my books. Other than A Very Bossy Billionaire, A Very Fake Boyfriend, and A Very Wicked Arrangement, I unpublished all my paperbacks.

You’ll find those three discreet paperbacks here: Special Edition Print

In February, I updated my covers. I no longer have man chest covers. You can’t feature man chest covers on TikTok unless you hide the torso. No matter how many times I tried, Amazon would refuse certain books when I submitted them to promote them. It became so frustrating, I decided to bite the bullet and eliminate the problem. Because of that, I unpublished the man chest covers. My new discreet cover designer is creating new covers for all the books. Since there are a lot, it might take a few months for me to get them. Fingers crossed, by the end of summer, I’ll have all of them published. As they roll out, I’ll drop an email.

I probably won’t have the hot suit covers. As I expand my distribution, bookstores tend to buy discreet covers and not people covers.

Upcoming releases for 2024

All these changes have caused some delays. The first series to get new discreet covers will be the Moguls. The covered designer won’t get started on the Chasing series until the month of April.

So, that series won’t be released until May or June.

What about Gage?

The goal is to publish Gage as the same time as I put out the audiobook. Since this is my first time dipping my toe in audiobook production, my jaw dropped to the floor when I found out that certain narrators are booked a year, and even a year and a half in advance. That means, I won’t have audiobooks for the Moguls or for Gage until 2025. I’ve started booking narrators for November 2024. That was the earliest date I could get some of the narrators I wanted for that series.

A big shout out to my hot suit cover designer

A huge thank you to my assistant China who created all the covers. She did a smashing job. The new covers are absolutely amazing. Not only did she knock it out of the park, but she did it in record time. Since we had a big promotion on 01 March, China only had six weeks to get all the covers done. I was amazed by the end result.

Speaking of new covers…

I love, love, love Hunter’s new covers.

Hunter was first released as a serial under five covers. It was edited by a former editor, so I had my current editor go over it again. The book was considerably trimmed down and now it’s a duet.

Since the beginning, it’s been challenging for me to find a cover model that embodied Hunter. The current cover model does it well. In fact, both the female and male model are perfect for this angsty love story between a small town billionaire visiting LA on an extended business trip and a sassy foodie.

















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That’s it for me!

Chat soon!





















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